Optometrists Focusing on Magnifiers and Low Vision Devices


Helping Canadians with Vision Impairments Gain Independence 


Low Vision Assessments

Low Vision occurs when vision is reduced and cannot be improved, even with your best pair of glasses.  There are many factors involved in helping those with Low Vision, anyone with vision problems should visit their Optometrist to determine the exact solution to their problem.

Follow these steps to quality eye care.

Step 1:  Visit your Optometrist to determine if you have Low Vision.  Eye Canada recommends that patients have had an eye exam with their Optometrist or Ophthalmologist within the last year.   

Step 2:  Visit an Optometrist who is Trained in Low Vision Care and Rehabilitation.   For a Low Vision Assessment near you e-mail us

Step 3:  If you do not have a Low Vision Optometrist near you and you are having trouble reading small print, take our At-Home-Assessment to determine the approximate strength of magnifier for you.


Eye Canada's Low Vision Assessment 


A Low Vision Exam at Eye Canada is a consultative appointment with a Low Vision Optometrists.  The goal is determine the current best possible vision, communicate and education on the eye condition, and recommend & demonstrate visual aids which can help the patient use what vision they have remaining.  The Low Vision exam is approximately 1 hour.   

Prior To the Assessment:   

Prior to the Exam we ask that patients print and read the following link:

Prior to Low Vision Assessment

This link provides an explanation of Eye Canada's Low Vision Exam and a Patient Questionnaire.  The questionnaire should be completed and brought to the Low Vision Exam.  By reading through the information and completing the Questionnaire the patient will have a better understanding of the low vision assessment and the overall experience will be improved.


The Assessment:

For a better Understanding of the Low Vision Assessment please read the following links:

Going to a Low Vision Centre

Getting the Most Out of Your Low Vision Experience


After the Assessment:

After the Assessment  patients spend time with an Eye Canada staff member who will show and explain the devices recommended by the Doctor.  During the assessment the Doctor will select various devices to assist individuals with low vision.  These devices are selected based on patient goals and vision levels.  

All information from the exam is documented and provided to the patient, along with other printed low vision resources.  This information is for the patient, family, and friends, as a result everyone will have a better understanding of the Low Vision condition.  Finally, each and every patient is encouraged to contact Eye Canada if there are any unanswered questions.  


Eye Canada 2006  Helping You See Better